Wedding Singer Cast

First, thank you to everyone who auditioned. We had some difficult decisions to make. Much of the decisions were based on singing, since the acting, in general, was very good. If you were not cast, please audition for the play (and no, I have no idea what it will be). Listed below: named characters, chorus, and dancers.

Robbie: ConLaw

Julia: Jenane

Holly: Kaylee

Sammy: Crispy

George: Kyle

Glen: Jordan

Rosie: Emily B

Angie: Lindy

Linda: Shelby B



We have about twenty smaller characters to fill, so many of you will end up with dialogue or solo lines in songs.


Claire A

Claire H


Conor McC


Gabby A


Gwen McD

Hannah Ro

Jacob R

Jessica Rod






Maddie Cor

Morgan W



Shelby M




Allie Mo

Alex P




AND Naomi and Cristina (our choreographers)


Five Kinds of Awesome!

Five Kinds of Silence wins First Place at the regional competition, earning perfect scores from 2 of the 3 judges. Emily B wins Best Actress and Jordan I Best Actor. Also, Kaylee L and Claire H are named to the All-Star cast. Next stop: state competition on November 8!

The cast of Five Kinds of Silence

The cast of Five Kinds of Silence

The cast and crew

The cast and crew

Best Actress and Actor

Best Actress and Actor

$2233.91 for Promise Place

After three performances of Five Kinds of Silence, we have raised $2233.91 for Promise Place. Thank you to everyone who attended and donated, and thank you to everyone at Promise Place for the wonderful work you do. I cannot be prouder of all that the cast and crew have accomplished. Next stop – the regional one-act competition on October 18 at the Henry County Performing Arts Center.

Help Support Promise Place!

First, come to Five Kinds of Silence – see below for tickets. Second, bring one of the following items that Promise Place needs: toilet paper, paper towels, hand-sanitizer. Promise Place provides housing to victims of domestic abuse and these are some of the items that are badly needed.

Five Kinds of Silence

We will perform Five Kinds of Silence, by Shelagh Stephenson, on October 2, 3 and 4. All proceeds will go to Promise Place,  a local agency that works to prevent domestic violence and provides shelter for victims of domestic violence. In addition, a Promise Place staff member will make a presentation after each show. Please join us for a powerful and thought-provoking evening – and help us support the wonderful and necessary work Promise Place does.

Five Kinds of Silence deals with domestic abuse and the lasting effects it can have. This show may be disturbing to younger audience members.

Reasons to Pay Attention to Domestic Abuse:

  •  One in every four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime.
  • An estimated 1.3 million women are victims of physical assault by an intimate partner each year.
  • 30% to 60% of perpetrators of intimate partner violence also abuse children in the household.
  • In 2013, 116 Georgia citizens lost their lives due to domestic violence.
  • In 2012, 7,750 victims and their children were provided refuge in a Georgia domestic violence shelter.
  • Eighty one percent of parents believe teen dating violence is not an issue or admit they don’t know if it’s an issue.
  • Nearly 1.5 million high school students nationwide experience physical abuse from a dating partner in a single year.
  • One in three adolescents in the U.S. is a victim of physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse from a dating partner, a figure that far exceeds rates of other types of youth violence.
  • One quarter of high school girls have been victims of physical or sexual abuse.
  • One in 10 high school students has been purposefully hit, slapped or physically hurt by a boyfriend or girlfriend.
  • Girls and young women between the ages of 16 and 24 experience the highest rate of intimate partner violence — almost triple the national average.
  • Eight states currently do not include dating relationships in their definition of domestic violence. As a result, young victims of dating abuse often cannot apply for restraining orders
  • Only 33% of teens who were in a violent relationship ever told anyone about the abuse.


Read-through for all cast and crew: Monday, August 18, 4-6pm.

Thank you to everyone who auditioned – this was not an easy decision. I’ll try to have the feedback for everyone on Monday.

Connor: Lawyer 1 and Policeman  (interviewing the family)

Cristina: Lawyer 2 and Policewoman (with Janet in the jail)

Alex M: Detective and Psychiatrist 1

Kalynn: Inspector, Psychiatrist 2

I may switch some of the roles depending on how the reading goes. See you on Monday!

The Four Leads

I don’t want to drag this out too long. I’m still working on the ensemble and trying to figure out how many people I can cast (and I also need to get a few schedules from people) but I’ve decided on the leads.

Billy: Jordan I


Susan: Emily B

Janet: Claire H

I will try to have the ensemble posted by 7pm tomorrow, but I have a lot to think about since there were a lot of great auditions. Thank you to everyone who auditioned!

The one act play will be Five Kinds of Silence

Why Five Kinds of Silence?

For me, it comes down to the play being about more than just theater. It allows us to address a social problem that isn’t talked about much – certainly at the high school level, but one that we know some students and parents are dealing with. Five Kinds of Silence is a play that can change lives – if nothing else, by some audience members realizing that they are not the only person to deal with the problem.

We will work on making our performances at McIntosh more of an event, with guests speakers and discussions after each show. I hope we can address such topics as how to get out of a bad situation and how people can help those who deal with domestic violence.

After the reading yesterday, I liked Women of Lockerbie more than I ever had before and I know we could do a great job with it. My emotional side wants to go with Lockerbie, but Five Kinds of Silence appeals to the educator in me – it’s too great of a learning opportunity to turn down.