Here is the link to the script: You must be signed into your fcboe account in order to access it.
Monday, August 12: There will be an informational meeting/audition workshop from 4-5pm in the auditorium. You do not have to attend in order to audition, but if this is your first time auditioning at McIntosh, it is highly encouraged.
Wednesday and Thursday, August 14 & 15: Auditions from 4-6pm. You will choose one day to audition. There is a sign up sheet on the drama room door.
Friday, August 16: Callbacks from 4-6, if necessary.
Week of August 19: Rehearsals begin!
STUDENTS: For access to the script, please see me or send me an email from your fcboe account.
There are two parts to the audition. You will choose a monologue from below and perform it memorized. Then you will be given a sides (a short scene from the play) to read with a partner. You will have a few minutes to go over the scene with your partner before performing it. Depending on the time available, you may be asked to read more than one side.
If necessary, I will post a callback list on Thursday night. The cast list will be posted by Saturday evening, if not before.
Choose one of the monologues below. Do not worry about the gender of the character. Find something that you think you can perform well. You should memorize it. Read the play and know where your monologue is from and what is going on. The context of the monologue should be clear.
JACKIE. Look at me, look at me, I was in the house, I was right down here. I was in the house!! I’m asking you, how does this happen while I’m sitting here doing nothing, not even, just nothing, drinking a glass of wine, chatting with Maddy, not paying attention, not paying attention, and Amy is out there somewhere, if she’s even still out there, if she’s not already lying in a ditch somewhere.
ALAN. Does it occur to you Maddy, okay, all right , does it occur to you in the least, anywhere in your impossibly pleasant head, that if you maybe hadn’t been over here drinking our wine and boring Jackie to tears with sob stories about your husband, and I’m really sorry you’re having a hard time and all, but maybe if you had n’t been here getting drunk and distracting my wife, she might have noticed our daughter being taken right out from under her nose! (Pause.) Well?!
MADDY. You stop, you stop right now, do you hear me! When I come over here in the afternoons, I can’t even, you listen to me right now: when I do come over it’s to check on your wife because she is, more often than not, tipsy. Sometimes less, sometimes more, but always some. I come over because my son loves to play with Amy but I won’t let him be here with just Jackie, not when she could be passed out.
DETECTIVE 1. Frankly sir, and I’m too freaking tired to be anything else right now, frankly you’re all we’ve got. That thing that turns sometimes? It’s turned. And that’s tough, but I’d bet my entire pension on the fact that the answer is gonna lead us right back to this house. And when it does Mr. Draft, if that’s the case, then you and I are going to be having an entirely different kind of conversation. Do you understand that? I hope you can understand that. Now, if you don’t mind, we’ll get back to looking for some answers.
ALAN. You know what I’d be doing?! I’d be upstairs, reading my daughter a bedtime story. I’d be giving her a hug and telling her I’d keep her safe. And it wouldn’t be a lie, if I knew what was going on, it wouldn’t be a lie, I could keep her safe. But I couldn’t and just like you, all of you, just like you Maddy, my daughter was taken. Amy was taken. And instead of grieving for the little girl that I…that I might never see again, no,instead of that, I’m doing this? This?! Fighting with you, on my front lawn, in the dark, I don’t think so. I don’t think so.
AMY. Okay, don’t get mad, but that’s my fault. I thought you might get in trouble, thought people might blame you and Dad. And I got upset. He was just trying to make it better. So it would be easier, so people would know it was larger than just you. It doesn’t sound right; it didn’t work out how I thought, I was a stupid little girl, but he’s going to return them; he is going to give the kids back. I made him a deal. Because you came here, I was able to make a deal.
You will be asked to read at least one side. Make certain you have read the play, so you will know the context of the sides.
These character descriptions only touch the surface and are not a substitute for reading the play!
Alan Draft: A young father. Educated, affluent. Works in the city. After Amy disappears, tries his best to keep things together.
Jackie Draft: A young mother. Educated, affluent. Not dealing well with their move to the suburbs. After Amy disappears, she falls further and further into grief.
Maddy: A neighbor and single mother. Described near the beginning as “impossibly pleasant” though a bit pushy. Confident and not afraid to speak her mind. After her son disappears, she becomes desperate and blames Jackie and Alan.
Detectives 1 & 2: Competent and matter-of-fact. They’ve worked together for at least a few years and they know what they’re doing. Detective 1 is the lead detective, while Detective 2 is the one who is willing to push buttons if s/he thinks it will help the case.
Neighbors: Welcoming and smiling, with maybe a touch of smugness lurking underneath. Think of the nicest, friendliest cult imaginable. They just want you to be happy. At least at first.
Reporters: Crisp and efficient. Must have clear and clean enunciation.
Doll: A mechanical woman, built from spare parts. Has a sing-song voice and at least a hint of creepiness.
Amy: Described as “an idea of a young woman.” Kind, thoughtful, confident.