Depending on your role, you will need to be available 2-3 times a week during regular rehearsals which will start on August 23. Mandatory dates for the one act: Show week: The week of October 10 (not Saturday or Sunday) … Continue reading
The competition one act this year will be Meat Gone Bad, a crazy comedy set in a grocery store. Auditions are August 15, 16 and 17 after school, with call backs on the 18th and 19th. To audition, you will … Continue reading
Tickets are now available for our production of Footloose! Performances are April 14 & 15 at 7pm and April 16 at 2pm and 7pm. You can purchase tickets at … Continue reading
Males Ren Jack WIllard Lance Chuck Garrett Jeter Michael Bickle Max T Garvin Zeke Lyle Josh Travis Gavin Reverend Shaw Max R Wes Tyler Coach Harrison Cowboy Bob – spoken Josh Adult Ensemble Max Z Females Ariel Charlotte Rusty … Continue reading
Auditions will be after school on November 1, 2 and 4, with a dance audition on November 5. To audition, you will perform 1 minute of a song from a musical. You will need to have a backing track for your … Continue reading
We have a cast! Soldiers Benedick Jack Don Pedro Chisom Claudio Josh Don John Max R Borachio Izzy Conrade Charlotte Townspeople Leonato Jessica Beatrice Meg Hero Hailey Ursula Andee Antonio Sarah G Friar Francis Max T Messenger August The Law … Continue reading
Emails have been sent. Thank you to everyone who auditioned! We had about 40 people audition for less than 20 roles. Most of the cast are seniors. If you were not cast and are not a senior, the good news … Continue reading
Emails have been sent out to your school email addresses. If you did not receive an email, that could mean that I know exactly what part I want you to play. The cast list might be posted on Saturday, but … Continue reading
First, read the post below for infomation on auditioning. These are the sides (sections of the script) that will be used for the auditions: Much Ado Sides . You shold read through the sides and the notes. You should also look … Continue reading
The competition one act play this year will be Much Ado About Nothing, one of Shakespeare’s comedies. Performances will be October 14-16, with the competition on October 23. If we are lucky enough to win regionals, the state competition will … Continue reading