Footloose Cast List!

Ren Jack
WIllard Lance
Chuck Garrett
Jeter Michael
Bickle Max T
Garvin Zeke
Lyle Josh
Travis Gavin
Reverend Shaw Max R
Wes Tyler
Coach Harrison
Cowboy Bob – spoken Josh
Adult Ensemble Max Z


Ariel Charlotte
Rusty Deeya
Urleen Andee
Wendy Jo Izzy
Vi Meg
Ethel Jessica
Lulu Kyra
Eleanor Mariana
Betty Blast Audrey
Cowboy Barb Karena
Teen Ensemble Sanaa
Emily W
Sarah G
Adult Ensemble Davina

Auditions for Footloose!

Auditions will be after school on November 1, 2 and 4, with a dance audition on November 5.

To audition, you will perform 1 minute of a song from a musical. You will need to have a backing track for your song – check youtube. You should try to find a song that is close to the types of songs in Footloose – mainly rock and pop. You will also be asked to read a short scene from the musical.

You will choose a 30 minute section on November 1 or 2. There is a sign up sheet on the drama room door. The sections will be from 4pm to 6 pm.

Callbacks will be November 4. You will be notified if you need to come to the callbacks.

You will also need to be at the dance audition on November 5. You will sign up for a 30 minute session.

Finally – you and a parent must fill out this form BEFORE your audition: Footloose Parent Contract You must be logged into your fcboe account in order to access the form.

Please see Mr. Buswell or Mrs. Lee if you have any questions.

Much Ado About a Cast

We have a cast!

Benedick Jack
Don Pedro Chisom
Claudio Josh
Don John Max R
Borachio Izzy
Conrade Charlotte
Leonato Jessica
Beatrice Meg
Hero Hailey
Ursula Andee
Antonio Sarah G
Friar Francis Max T
Messenger August
The Law
Dogberry Micheal
Verges Marissa
Watchman Olivia
First Watchman Bekah
Second Watchman Ava
Sexton Titi

Audition emails

Emails have been sent. Thank you to everyone who auditioned! We had about 40 people audition for less than 20 roles. Most of the cast are seniors. If you were not cast and are not a senior, the good news is that you will have a better chance next year (and you will be better and even more confident then!). I will post a cast list once I have heard back from everyone.

If you would like feedback on your audition, please email me or see me at school.

Auditions for the musicall, Footloose, will probably be in November. I will post more information as we get closer to the auditions.


Emails have been sent out to your school email addresses. If you did not receive an email, that could mean that I know exactly what part I want you to play. The cast list might be posted on Saturday, but I might have to wait until next Monday or Tuesday. I will post updates when I have a better idea on the time frame.

Much Ado auditions

First, read the post below for infomation on auditioning.

These are the sides (sections of the script) that will be used for the auditions: Much Ado Sides . You shold read through the sides and the notes. You should also look at the script we will use (in the post below) and look at a summary of the play. Please let me know if you have any quesitons about the script or the auditions.


Much Ado About Nothing

The competition one act play this year will be Much Ado About Nothing, one of Shakespeare’s comedies. Performances will be October 14-16, with the competition on October 23. If we are lucky enough to win regionals, the state competition will be November 20.

Auditions will be August 17 and 18, with callbacks (if necessary) on August 19 and 20. Auditions will consist of reading short scenes from the play. I will post the scenes we will use by Tuesday, August 10.

Auditions will be after school from 4-6pm. You will sign up for a one hour slot – 4-5 or 5-6. There is a sign up sheet on the drama room door.

If you want to audition, you should first familiarize yourself with the play. You can read the cutting we will use here: Much Ado About Nothing – 55 min edit You must be signed in to your fcboe account in order to access the script. You may also want to check the wikipedia page of Much Ado About Nothing for a summary.

DO NOT be intimidated by Shakespeare! Part of the audition process will be going over the meaning of the scenes, and part of the rehearsal process will be to work on understanding the play. I have chosen this play in part because I know you will be able to handle it. It will be a challenge, but it will be one that we can easily handle.

Musical Auditions!

Auditions are October 28, 29 and 30 after school. You will sign up for a 1 hour long time slot – 4-5 or 5-6, on one of the days. There is a sign-up sheet on the drama room door or you can email Mr. Buswell to request a time.
For the audition, you should choose one of the songs below. You will sing along with the backing track at the audition. You will also be asked to read a short section of a scene.

My Friend, The Dictionary – beginning to 1:30

I Speak Six Languages – beginning to 1:18
I’m Not That Smart -beginning to 1:40
Magic Foot – beginning to 1:35
The Prayer of the Comfort Counselor 0:48 – 2:10


Thank you to everyone who auditioned! I have sent emails out to the cast. If you have not received one yet, you have not been cast. If you would like feedback on your audition, please see me or email me next week (Claire and I need some time to get our notes together).