Thanks to Josh S.’s dad for the pictures!
- Scrape! Scrape! Scrape!
- Pansy.
- Flower Power!
- You haven’t wasted your life.
- It’s like we’re meant to be side by side.
- Meat!
- Spreading through the market like an infection.
- Too far.
- Mother of Mozzarella!
- Rule 43.
- What section poses the greatest threat to our survival?
- Let’s go find Little Ham!
- Partay!
- Is that vinegar?
- Ooh! I like that part!
- Everyone loves Tomato.
- Not even tofurkey.
- A card – how nice!
- Go bake yourself!
- Tomato really has to go.
- Don’t make me peel you!
- Aliens? Really?
- Lettuce loses it.
- This is…crazy.
- T-Bone surprised!
- Love amongst the choas.