Students of the Week!

We have two Students of the Week this week. The first is Margo H.

From her nominating slip: margo I want to nominate Margo Heath for the Drama Student of the Week for her outstanding audition for Cinderella. Her monologue and song were over the top and left a lasting impression on me. Along with being an amazing and helpful crew member, Margo also keeps everyone smiling and laughing! She is inspirational and uplifting to everyone she comes in contact with. Thanks Margo!



The second is Audrey L (aka Tech Goddess). audrey

From her slip:

She pushes herself to improve and audition despite her stage fright. She doesn’t accept that doing 10,000 things for the theatre is enough and always looks for the 10,001st thing to add. She’s all around so crazy talented and crucial to the success of our shows. Plus, she’s an amazing person.



There are three honorable mentions:

Josh S, for always giving honest feedback and being an amazing actor.

Collin T for “encouraging me to try my best. He encouraged me to try out for my first play…ever!”

Kenidee S for being an excellent person and a great actor, and a funny friend to be around.

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