This week’s winner is Mykala J! From her nomination slip:
She pushed me to do well and is the reason for my success – she encouraged me to audition for Check Please, listened to me nervously ramble in every class before the afternoon of my audition, held onto my bag strap when I tried to ditch and run away (oh the shame!) offered words of encouragement when I got so nervous I blanked before the audition, held my hand while I cried five minutes before my actual audition, and told me no matter the results, I was till a skilled actor and a wonderful [person. She pushed me to do something I was terrified of doing but have wanted to do for four years now – a nearly impossible feat. Mykala: thank you – you are the reason for my success and I find you to be a wonderful person.
Honorable mentions to Cymmone Y for “being a hard worker who always has a funny spirit,” Grace K for having “a bubbly personality and a spirit that makes the people around her happy,” and Emma S for “being amazing at acting!”