Costume items

Please make certain you have the following items for Monday.
-Black yoga pants (not leggings)
-Black Jazz shoes
-Black booty shorts
-White tank/cami
-Robby-white undershirt
Laker Girls:
-Black leotard or cami
-Black character shoes
-Nude tights or pantyhose
-Black booty shorts
-Cristina-black pants
We also need:
-Fishnet tights
-Boots for knights
Bright Side of Life: Laker Girls and Dancers are already finished, and lead knights wear their knight costume, but everyone else needs:
-White long sleeve button down shirt with a collar
-Black dress pants or yoga pants if your shirt is long enough to cover
-Everyone in Finland song needs a pair of knee high socks.  The can be crazy colors.  Boys and girls!
-Black shoes (girls character if you have them)

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